Sunday, September 21, 2014

IMA: Autumn Equinox: A Girl and Her Guitar

The beautiful young woman above 
was among fifty to sixty other guitarists 
who joined composer Stuart Hyatt 
in the performance/sound installation, 
E is for Equinox.

The musicians stood in a circle beneath
an existing sculpture, Team Building (Align),
 installed in the IMA 100 Acres.

The sound of the E chord being played was nice,
although it didn't seem to take over 
the (air) space with as much power as I'd 
have thought sixty guitars could make. 
Nevertheless, it was an enjoyable afternoon; 
people were everywhere on the IMA grounds, 
with family and friendly dogs in tow.


Stefan Jansson said...

What a great musical event.

William Kendall said...

That's quite a musical jam!