Monday, March 9, 2015

A Walk in the Thaw

After nearly a month of below normal temperatures,
Sunday felt as though the season was ready to permit a bit 
of spring air to enliven our spirits. And it did.
People were out everywhere I went, jogging, exploring
the city as their dogs pranced along on the ends 
of their people strings, everyone enjoying the first bit 
of sun-warmed air to waft our way in months.
I went downtown to return a couple books to the library,
then took a long walk across the IUPUI campus, then along
the Central Canal to the river, then back into
the downtown area where even the buildings 
looked glad to see a bit of sunlit sky. 


levephoto said...

Crystal clear reflections, well spotted.

William Kendall said...

Lovely reflections, particularly the first one.