Thursday, June 29, 2023

As Bright as the Summer, er, Sun

 On my way to the IUPUI Natatorium in Indianapolis, I walk past a series of large concrete planters, each dressed for the season in these bright colorful plants. I'd like to say they're as bright as a summer day, but the truth is, they're brighter; wildfires in Canada have produced enough smoke to dim the sun's glare for residents of states from the Midwest to New York. I can smell the burned wood. I chose to wear a face mask this afternoon, and I was not alone. A graphic on a TV news segment the last night showed Indianapolis's air quality to be the second worst in the world -- after Dubai! The photo below was taken at about 8:45 p.m.

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

A very similar sun to one I posted today.