Sunday, December 31, 2023

New Year's Eve Weekend: Teenagers Spent the Afternoon Discussing Algorithms of Rubik's Cube

 A part of the New Year's Eve weekend was spent with my brother's family. During the afternoon, I was caught up in a discussion among my eleven and twelve-year-old g'nephews and nieces about the various algorithms used to solve Rubic's cube, and which was the best. In the picture above Luke is explaining to his mom how the version of the cube he has in his hands is vastly superior to the one she is holding (off-screen), which happened to be one of the original cubes. In the background, Knox is showing his sixteen-year-old cousin how to solve the scrambled cube. 

Then it was time for the annual Wearin' o' the Funny Christmas Hats picture. After each person has selected one from baskets of about a hundred or so silly hats, we group up for a picture. The man in the green hat is one of my nephews, Cyril, along with his wife, Molly. My own hat had a kind of velvet-covered spring with a dangly star that reminded me of The Grinch's dog.

The girl above is my g'niece Audrey, while the boy below is her cousin, Lennex. Teenagers.

And these are just a few of the faces who make up my family. My niece, Theresa, has a large family of her own. We really don't have a place large enough to accommodate everyone, should we decide to all be in one place, at one time.

Happy New Year!