Monday, November 2, 2020

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, It's Off to Work the Polls I Go

 In anticipation of unpleasant results from the elections, the local news stations tonight were covering the steps downtown Indy merchants were taking to protect their businesses from damage by rioters. Many have covered their shop windows in plywood to preventing shattering.

Late this afternoon, I went to the grocery to buy some items to take with me tomorrow and found the place to be as crowded as if it were an approaching holiday. It's not. I got the distinct feeling people were preparing to hunker down - away from the virus, away from trouble.

I've worked the polls at many other elections, but this one is different. This time I'm scared. It's like being stalked by an estranged spouse, one who has a gun and a bunch of disreputable lackeys. 
Please, vote blue. Save our lives, our country from this criminal and his minions. 

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

Well said.

I've worked election polls, but our country feels a lot more calm than yours does.