Monday, November 9, 2015

Flying Off the Shelves

The problem in our country is not with books being banned,
but with people no longer reading.
You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture.
Just get people to stop reading them.

The above quote is on the website of a blog-pal,
Dive of Small Glass Planet. The words were spoken by
the author of one of my favorite books, whose name
I won't reveal, out of deference to Dive's quiz.

  The installation in the main entry of the IMA,
Richard Wentworth's False Ceiling,
seems to pair perfectly with two bookcases
from The Public Collection.
While the installation is in place, the IMA
is requesting that visitors submit a guess estimating
the number of books used to create the display.
Each month, an entry will be selected 
to receive either a Dual/Family Membership 
or a $75 Museum gift card.

Just past Wentworth's installation, 
there are two additional bookcases from 
The Public Collection series. 
The one in the middle picture, called PlayStation,
is by LaShawnda Crowe Storm, and
 provides children with an irresistible invitation 
to read and play. The area in the IMA
has been made into a comfortable gathering 
place for children and other living things,
with couches, chairs and carpets where visitors 
may relax and enjoy the books and passers-by.
Adults will be fascinated by the wooden
"refrigerator" provided by Tom Torluemke.
Of course, its called Cool Books - Food for Thought.


William Kendall said...

A visually fascinating installation!

AsAeenBySusan said...

Being a retired teacher of reading and writing, I love books. And your post reminds me to find my photos of our library and post a few of them.