Earlier today, I stood on a spot near where I live.
The sun shown bright in a clear, blue sky as a
strong wind blew snow across the landscape,
very much like sand across barren desert dunes.
Last winter, an entire section of townhomes was burned
to the ground due to the carelessness of a tenant.
The remains were recently torn down, leaving
an empty scar in this poor neighborhood.
I've walked that stretch of the neighborhood
too many times to count over the years and,
seeing the chain link fence surrounding
the site is disappointing, to say the least.
Most disheartening, though, was to know that
on Wednesday night, a sixteen-year-old boy had been
shot twice in the chest, and left to die in the dirty,
frozen slush in the gutter across the street
from the barren lot. Sayyid Abdul-Haqq was a
sophomore at Speedway High School. He took his
schoolwork seriously and, when not in the
SHS library, could most often be found at the
town's library. His young nephew looked up to him,
saying he wanted to be like his uncle, to go to
school. Here was a boy with a goal,
who inspired his family, but who met
his death alone in the cold gutter.
He was on his way home from the store.
Given the weather, he was probably returning from
the convenience store a couple blocks away.
This is a poor neighborhood, where people often
have to juggle between which bills will be
paid - heat? Phone? Electric? Will there be money
for food? Gas for the car? If he went to the store
for milk, did the person who shot him see
he got change from a $10 bill?
Indeed, did he even have that much?
This is not a neighborhood of people who have
money, but one where a bit of small change
can seem like a windfall.
Nor is this a unique story, but it sure as hell
is new to Sayyid's family, whose hearts are broken.
The temperatures are dropping and it will be very cold
during the coming week, but right now
the only colder place on Earth is the heart
of whoever pulled the trigger.
Anyone with information related
to the murder of Sayyid Abdul-Haqq
can contact Crime Stoppers at 262-TIPS,
or text INDYCS with their tip.
You may also contact the
Speedway Police Department
directly at 246-4300.
All information will remain anonymous.