Monday, July 18, 2011

Accidentally Just Right

Every once in a while, you see something that does its job, but at the same time is also visually arresting in an unexpected way. So it was with the "privacy screen" on this Speedway porch. The rhythms and contrast set up by the varying numbers and widths of the laths make it "just right" and definitely more interesting than if it were "perfect."


dive said...

Cool! A Piet Mondrian porch!
Love the flags and the angel, too. You have a great eye for the unexpectedly beautiful composition, Speedway.

Speedway said...

Thank you, Dive. I like finding these sorts of pictures. I like them to stand on their own as much as possible, only cropping them a bit. The Mondrian and the flags hit me Smack! and made it easy.

Robyn Martins said...

Ah, but it is perfect, isn't it? Unlike those boring lattice fences.

Speedway said...

Hi, Scout! Yeh, it's perfect, just not to the eyes of the anal types who want everything "just so."