Thursday, April 11, 2013

Irony, Oxymoron, and WTF?

I looked up this morning from my reading, 
to see this young woman 
on her way to work, a dress shoe on one foot 
and a surgical boot on the other.
While the heel is not ridiculously high,
I still wonder about the need to wear it while
the other foot is recovering from an injury.

UPDATE:  A friend, who had to wear this style
of surgical boot for nine months, told me that the girl is probably
wearing the one shoe from her closet that most closely matches
the height of the boot. My friend had to find this out on her
own; after suffering from hip and back pain because
of unaligned heel heights, she took it upon herself to wear
a shoe that matched that of the boot. Problem solved.


dive said...

You'd think a knee-length black boot would be a better choice.

Stefan Jansson said...

She will of course get noticed this way!

Speedway said...

I love high heels. I'd just about buy an expensive pair just to have them as decoration for reveries. But I had to leave them behind many years ago due to ankle and foot injuries - obtained not from wearing heels by the way, but on the occasions I wore my trainers. Humph!